Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm A Big Kid Now!

I'm not sure which one I want to be the most. Young or Old. When I was younger I was always like" I can't wait until I grow up" it's like "oh no! I'm getting older". I am almost at that turning point where I say goodbye to being a teenager. Scary. I want to grow up know...hit 21 and then stay there!...haha...But at the same time I'm scared to grow up so I keep putting out my inner child so that I can feel young. Of course I take care of all my current responsibilities but there is more to life in the "Real World". I getting the feeling of growing up..I mean the freedom is great...but with freedom you must take all that comes with it. Which then leads to stress. I will need to grow "all the way up" sooner or later. But for now....I like being young...I like where I am. When the time comes I will give it all I got!...enjoying my youth while I still can is all I'm about! Yessss! Lol


Anonymous said...

I feel you on this man. Gotta live life while we are still young. No doubt.

Bethany said...

Yep! :)