Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Laughing is good for the Heart

I love laughing..It makes me feel I'd like to share a little laughter with you that made me laugh today. Well..first the videos shock..and then you fall out laughing. At least thats what i did. Enjoy! :)

Basketball Players are Dangerous

Kenyans are Dangerous

Mohammad is Dangerous...haha (Why Mo..why?


Anonymous said...

all i have to say is why r African's so damn hostile?? man they r seriously on some f-the world type o man those vids were hilarious...ahahaa and i realized u like to laff we damn near laff about

Erica-Lindsay said...

yes laughing is very good for the soul..but not when it gets out of hand!

Bethany said...

Hahaha...y u say that? Cuz I'm always laughing..haha
I cant help it when something is funny I laugh..haha...and u always saying something worth laughing at so we laugh haha...awwww...we dont mean to hurt your feelings!