Saturday, February 9, 2008

My New Blog

Yay!...Omg!...I am finally back in the blogging world. It has taken me nearly 3 hors but I am back! ...So basically I created a blog in august last year and I did about one post a month until October (yea 3 posts...haha)...anyway I decided today that I wanted to continue with my blog and post everyday. I proceeded to log into my account to fix up my blog, and begin to post. Only one problem...I did not know my username of password! I typed in the only three email addresses that I have so that they could send me my password and I can be on my way. None of them worked! I was so frustrated! I started looking for other ways I could log in...determined to get my damn blog back. It is still up because I know the URL and when I type it in my blog comes up..I just cant edit that shit...grrrr!..I was really frustrated and I am kinda stubborn so I continued to log into my account for about two i kno but I didnt want to make another account. I ended up having to and here it is! I guess it will have to do even though I feel that my life is divided in two because I have two This will work...I like my little layout and stuff...its cute.

I am excited to try and write everyday! I do not guarantee excitement everyday but it'll be is is like a box of never know what you are gonna get (haha love that movie!)....but hey no matter what you get vita e bella!...Always and forever :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...



its okay beth!!