Sunday, May 4, 2008

Take the Keys and Drive...

Why do alot of people follow each other? Its like "monkey see, monkey do". You wont do something because either you are too lazy or you are not sure about wont find out until do it. But if you see someone else do it then you think okay imma "help" or okay imma do it too. No. If you really wanted to do it then you would have done it first. You would have believed in yourself and went for it. Not waiting til its too late. Let's not sit in the back seat...Get the keys and drive....

This also applies to making a difference. If you think in order to make the world better then you must do something...then do it. Its worth a try. Dont wait around and see if someone else is gonna do it first...take the initiation. Thats what I'm all about...taking initiation. If I need something or I wanna see something happen then im gonna depend on myself and make it happen. There is no time to follow around other people hoping that eventually they will do something and you then will do it too. Like for instance, I think we need another Black club at my school. I was thinking a BSU but we dont even have a Student Union yet so I would have to wait for that ...which is already in the works. But then I got a brilliant idea when I went to the ABC Conference...There was a girl there who started a Chapter of 100 black women. I had never heard of the club but after hearing the details it is exactly what we need. Black women can be the foundation for change at the this school and I'm gonna make it happen.

Black women are already leaders now....people are already following us. Some girls go out to Target to get lipgloss so that their lips can be plump like ours. People all over the world are hip hoppin like japan...china...india...all over. Lets start things and make other people follow...instead of people saying oh they are "acting white"...just because you are educated and talk a certain way...or you own your own business...or you are just at the top of the latter. Lets make it so that they can say they are "acting black" pursuing something higher. Why does "acting black" have to assume the negative and "acting white" have to assume the positive? It doesnt have to be that way. It seems like the higher in education we go...the less blacks we see. This can change if each one of us take the initiation and go for our goals...not forgetting where we came from or who we knew...that is key. We are all in this together.


Erica-Lindsay said...

Here Here! let's change the "black" conotation! like you said, "it's worth a try!" lol

i'm in!

Anonymous said...

im in too!!!!

I will no longer use the word bitch! or ne connotations that will bring not only black women down but all women in general...

i mite say hoe, slut, trick, but no more BITCH!!!

Bethany said...

Ummmm...that does not go with this goes with the one after

But good for you kiy!

aRi dOPeR tHAn AvEraGe said...

i totally feel u on this sissy..we need a change now @ my school as well..& i agree with changing the conotation of you're acting "black" from a negative to positive thing..& why if being black is sooo bad then why does everyone want to be like us? that question still boggles me lmao

Bethany said...

Exactly Ari!....people want to make black = something negative ...but at the same time some people try so hard and wish they were black