Monday, March 10, 2008

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

I like to associate myself with people who are genuine. People who accept me as I accept them. People who I am able to say "hi" to and they smile with a "hi" back. People who don't suddenly change without warning. Mind you this is just what I expect in associates...friends is a different story.

I expect what I expect in some. Friends should be honest. What is a friend without trust right? Friends understand when they are wrong...just as I understand when I am wrong. Friends don't judge friends. Friends don't throw friends under a bus. Friends don't envy friends...there is no point to jealousy. Friends lend a helping hand...we are here for each other. I love my friends but sometimes there is always that one or two that slowly drift down from associates..and ultimately enemies. I never want this to happen. But some people don't cherish friendship as much as I do...either that or they don't fully understand what it is to be a friend. I don't know...but it's pretty sad to me..makes no sense. But then again there are people that drift up...from friends.

Sometimes it's not the person's fault...sometimes its due to circumstances, which is human I guess. I always expect the that the best prevails in situations like these.

"He who is a friend is always a friend, and a brother is born for the time of stress"
-Proverbs 17:17

"Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother"
- Proverb 18:24



aRi dOPeR tHAn AvEraGe said...

I so agree with u sissy...we expect more from friends than associates but sometimes ur frens are the ones who will hurt u more..but yea do me and ese mae have to regulate on people! haahaha

Anonymous said...

yeah man, friends can hurt you way more than family believe me I KNOW!

but umm you just gotta give people space sumtymes and if they continue to act the way that u dnt necessrily agree with, or you feel some change leave them alone..

but umm im secure with the friends i have now, and i think the friends u make in college r the ones that r supposd to STAY FOREVER..

well thats if none of us have a fatal attraction or end up killing each other first...

so done i think...

i feel like going to poop in ur bathroon....but idk...i think thats rude....fugg...haha

yup yup...

Anonymous said...

wow beth,
I love it...sooo true!

Bethany said... regulation needed.

It's not that serious..these are just my thought on friendship.

It's just seems like a friendship is slowly disappearing...
Maybe a slumber party this weekend can fix that???????
