Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just Type

Have you ever sat down to type a post...knowing you have everything and anything to write about... and then your like...what am I gonna write about? I don't know why this happens but it happens to me. I think ...well...what is the point about writing about that?...or what if someone reads that?...what will they think? I don't know why these thoughts come to mind at times....knowing Ive already wrote on things that have no point and things that would make people think things. Sometimes I just need to understand that this is my blog and I have to express any means necessary...a representation of me. Im gonna try and clear my head when typing now...jut let it all know? Cuz sometimes I catch myself typing something and then I begin to hit that backspace button. There is no use for the backspace button on a blog...maybe to correct misspellings but that is about it. A blog is to let the mind flow...whether it is through words, pictures or I just need to continue to let my mind flow. Whether the thoughts that come out are meaningful, entertainment, or whatever...its what I want to type at that moment or express on my blog. The good thing about it is I can look back on this year of blogging and know exactly how I was feeling and where my mind was on that day, in that week, or even that month...because I wrote for me...truthfully, bluntly, with nothing stuck inside. Yea some people could think..'oh no! that could end up crazy...saying too much'. But can never say too much on your blog. Somethings people cant express through writing or they dont feel comfortable typing... so they won't... and If something is typed that no one wants to read or doesnt feel should be written...then there is that lovely x at the corner where you can quickly and easily exit out...simple as that. Like to be honest I have come across some blogs where Im like...'he/she is crazy' their thoughts and mind set are those of someone who should be put in a psychiatric ward....seriously...they say things where I am like seriously need help. But then again...they are typing for them..and I have no easily clicking that x...quickly disconnects me from their world. People write for themselves...whether it is their medicine...their escape...or their entertainment....and that is the beauty of blogs. So yea...I just typed this to get back into the flow of typing as I think...I like miss more backspace....thinking of what readers' thoughts would be...or judging the importance of my post. I'm just going to type....type and publish....the pure Bethany haha.

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