Saturday, June 21, 2008

More Than A Dream

Have you ever had a dream about something so real it is as though it is a vision of what you should aim for... be... make happen? As though it were reality...a glimpse of the future?

I believe my dreams are sort of an incentive for me. I live in hopes of living that moment I got a glimpse of...smiling that smile I smiled...laughing that laugh of pure joy...the kind of joy that makes you feel Like nothing in the world can take that joy from you because it feels meant to be...all you ever wanted...all you will ever need. Sure there wil be joy after this moment...but this is the moment you live for. The moment I live for...or at least I think I live for...I am continuously in pursuit of. However it feels as though whenever I come close to setting a clear path to fulfill my longing for that moment...that joyous time in my life...I am turned away start over. Or maybe its not starting over...maybe there is no such thing as a 'clear' path. The path is there....I am on it...its just those obstacles...struggles...and everything in between that are in my way.

The fact that I have to overcome so much for a moment of happiness that I have dreamed about...that will ultimately become the base of my happiness from that day well worth it to me. That's how bad I want it. Whenever in doubt...I remember what it is I believe I'm living for. Even if I have to try again.

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