Sunday, October 5, 2008

No EASY Way to Life

There are always thoughts of...If I didnt do this...and did this instead...or if I didnt say this and said this instead...or if I didnt go here and went there instead...or if I had a mother like hers...or a family like his...or if I had stayed living in Philidelphia....if I had gotten an A...instead of a B...or a B instead of a C...(or even...if my LCD on my laptop wouldnt have cracked) would be BETTER. Ha. Better. What guarantees my life would be better? Yea...maybe for a small period of time I will feel better. I will be happy. But something else would happen and then what would I do? change that too? I'm not God for a reason and if given the ability to go back and change things...I wouldnt. I learned some time ago that it is best to leave things as they are...just let life flow. Some things cant be changed...and if we did have the ability...changing things would not guarantee happiness. Just think...things could be worse. Life takes these different routes for a reason. Some have lessons to teach. Some build strength in us...emotionally, mentally, and physically. Some have hidden meanings...some of which reveal themselves in the long run. And to see these hidden meanings..and benefit from them...we must be in it for the long run...hold steadfast to our goals...take pride in our triumphs...cherish those there for us...and be happy. Its hard...I know. But hey... we have to make the best of isnt easy...and nothing guarantees happiness.

Whenever I have thoughts of going back and changing things...I think of this movie. I know..I watch too many

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