Monday, August 25, 2008

She Made For A Boss

I've noticed that although I claim I'm not miss independent....I natuarally am. It was like I was born to do for myself...pushing myself forward to become something great. Its like I am in competition with myself. I struggle and say I can't do it...But the better half of me proves me wrong and I am only satisfied and happiest when I know I did it on my own. For love it might take two...but for success I see it takes one. Me. I'm learning about life the hard way...the financial way...but I'm doing well. I feel like I've been doing for myself... paying my own way ever since I was 16. My credit card bills, my cell phone bills, gas, registration, insurance, every piece of clothing I own...actually everything that I own has been purchased by me... minus a calendar here and a picture frame there. The effort to get into college, pay for everything in college, stay in college...all me and it wouldn't feel right for anyone to begin to help me now. Guidance is accepted...and I am thankful for all I have received...even it it isn't much... I still have God. But I guess it will all pay off in the end. Its too late to quit now. I'm too far in the game...even if it gets harder from here...I'm ready for it...sweat...tears... and all...I'm ready. Conquering it one at a time with a big smile and my head held high!

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